Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Knicks are STILL in the pursuit of CP3

Despite all the rumors you hear Chris Paul will be a New York Knickerbocker. This all plays out every year with a player. Some players want the money and some players wanna win. Chris is a winner and why not win with your two hommies. It all makes sense to me but then again I'm a Knicks fan.

Despite most media outlets proclaiming that the Knicks possess too few trade assets to get a deal for Chris Paul done, New York is still pursuing Paul in an attempt to make the much-discussed trio alongside Amar'e Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony a reality.
The Lakers are said to be in position to put together a deal for Paul.
"Still, the Knicks aren't discouraged by this information and, based on recent history, they should not be," writes Alan Hahn. "On the contrary, we've been assured the Knicks, despite reported disinterest from the New Orleans Hornets, are very much still putting in the effort to make this happen and complete the triumvirate that Paul toasted at Carmelo Anthony's wedding two summers ago. And just like the Melo saga last season, Paul's representation -- the notorious and influential CAA -- is aware of its client's preference and also very much involved in the process."
Via Newsday

Until something further happens, I'm not changing my stance. CP3 will be a KNICK.. this year or the next.