Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Brett Ratner finally does something clever.

Before Brett Ratner got fired from his Producing gig at next year's Oscars for using a gay slur, I saw this article on "What Would Tyler Durden Do?" about the Tower Heist director forcing Lindsay Lohan to get tested before he would have sex with her:

"'Before I have sex with a girl, I do do one weird thing,” Ratner said. “I do take ‘em to the doctor and check ‘em out. I’m like a cootie freak. I’m a germaphobe. I’m a hypochondriac. Before I go all the way, I send the girl to the doctor and check them for everything. My doctor has a test to tell if you’re going to catch something in the future even.”
Lohan obliged, came back ‘clean’ and the couple enjoyed a few months of fun before she discovered Ratner was cheating on her with at least one Victoria’s Secret model Alina Puscau."

That's just awesome. And as such I had the following reaction...