Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm back

Here we go again Foamposite fans ,$225 is the magic number if you wanna have this highly anticipated retro the last instalment of Foams for 2011 which I might add was a pretty busy year for Nike and a exspensive one for consumers .. Good luck

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What the Fuck Deon Grant?

One of the main bones of contention we as American's have been able to hold over whiny, cry baby European Soccer players (other than the fact that things only get exciting for about 2 seconds of a 90+ minute match on the Soccer pitch) is that our Football doesn't have losers flopping like little drama queens. Now that is seriously being called into question. If there is one rule that I think the NFL needs to crackdown on, it's this. Play like men.

Article Here

Monday, September 19, 2011


Coming off the heels of Floyd snuffing out Victor Ortiz we have this random Russian billionaire duffing out another Russian idea why but i am sure money is involved.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Serena Williams

For me...there is jus no other title to give this. It isn't thee 'tape' we all need but...this helps.

***YO!!! My 3Dtv now has burned marks/lines through it.................effing pissed! anyhoo...


Friday, September 9, 2011

I LOVE Khrysti Hill

First off I gotta say everyone who knows me knows. I love a particular person that being Maliah Michel..BUT I do, REEEEEEALLY DO hold a special place in my heart for Khrysti Hill. I follow her on twitter and yes she is my #twittercrush BUT damn she is nice and I hate to give a compliment buT..CHECK HER OUT.

"I THINK I LOVE HER" *gucci mane voice*

Diamonds of Atlanta

I never knew and this is why I fuck with so hard. *nullus* I never knew about this. I been thinking about making a visit to a club this weekend. This used to be the BodyTap xxClusive if yall remember that one. But yea, I love this southern hospitality downchea, THIS is apart of the culture like sweet tea and peaches my nigs.

Yall gotta check out this video.

The Midget Stripper > Rosa Acosta *jordanshrug*

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wrasslin' Zone - Iron Man Match

The entire classic match between Bret and HBK.

Pharrell X Japan

I’ll be very honest…I have been ignorant to the whole Japanese culture. Even while in the military and people would tell me about how great the country was and all, I just never had an interest. After watching this 5 part documentary featuring Pharrell exploring the land of the Rising Sun…they have my attention.

SMH - D.C.

Typical D.C. goon crap ... "Same ole Washington."


Entertainment Jibba Jabba - Eddie Murphy

Because he is set to host the Oscar's next year...Ill take this version over the current version. #NH least this Eddie was hilarious.

Matt's Pic Of The Day - Jessica Alba


New Music Video - Big Sean

#NH on 'Big' ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meanwhile in Norway...

WHY?? x Gotta Go.. Gotta GO!!

Peep what this young goon does in court.

Damn shame..


WTF is Goings ON

Man.. if yall dont know these churches downchea are big business. I wont't get into anyones Pastor but this clip , caught my attention.

The nicca dancing on money mane.. smh.. *turns to Joel Osteen*

Top 8 Women to Avoid

Fellas, Imma need yall to understand that not all women arern't QUEENS. Too many of yall putting pussies on petistools. Yall crowning em before they even play. If you the average 30 plus year old like myself, you have been fuggin for at least half your life, so smarten up..It's MORE than about the puzzy. I frequently read Shy Magazine, they have some cool articles but there authors tend not to BS you, hence why I check em out. They have this one article about 8 Types of Women to Avoid. I think I done ran across all eight. Some had multiple issues on one. But check it out and lemme know what yall think. I'm jive interested in knowing.

What do you think? Is this an accurate synopsis or is it just good for shits and giggles - and do you know a lady that fits into any of these categories? Better yet, are you one of the 8 women?



Every man likes an articulate woman, a girl who can voice her opinion, sound intelligent and impress your friends with a philosophical debate on the downward spiral of modern politics. OK, maybe that’s pushing it a bit, but a woman with verbal confidence can be a hell of a turn-on. But let’s be realistic — while it’s always nice to date someone who is charismatic and well-versed, it’s something quite different to date a woman who beats the opinionated war drum. The Smart-Ass is one of the types of women to avoid.

Unfortunately, these types exist, and for those who haven’t had the privilege of strapping on your helmet and hunkering down for a verbal assault, you’re definitely not missing out. Everyone comes from different wombs, so why does she seem to get angry with you when you can’t agree? Some women simply like to test you to see how well you stand up for yourself; others just like to exert their own power. The Smart-Ass exposes your intellectual weaknesses and will subsequently cut you down because of it. This is a type to avoid at all costs, as she will make the rest of your evening miserable while she stomps on your heart with an egomaniacal boot.


It doesn’t take a genius to know that wooing a woman requires a trifocal effort of body, soul and spending power. As standard romantic procedures, you’re going to have to take her for dinner, buy her flowers, whisk her away to the mountains for the weekend, and show her that the world is your oyster and she’s the pearl. But if I can give a word of caution to my free-spending comrades out there (I’m guilty of this too), make damn sure she’s actually enjoying your company and not just your wallet. The Gold Digger is one of the types of women to avoid. If you start to notice that she’s expecting you to pay for everything but the kitchen sink, your credit card bill should be enough of a red flag to warrant an emergency landing.

Here’s some sound advice – if you approach a woman and the first words out of her mouth are “I’ll have a Vodka Seven,” chances are she’s probably out to score some freebies, so proceed with caution. If her friends show up and start ordering drinks as well, there’s a good chance they’ll all dissipate into the crowd once they’ve been served, leaving you with the tab. Avoid the Gold Digger type at all costs. Like the old proverb goes, you can’t buy happiness, and a woman who thinks otherwise isn’t worth your time.


First off, you cannot date a married woman or a woman who is involved with another man when you meet her. A married woman who is playing both sides of the fence is giving you a free and full preview of how she treats men and what she really thinks about commitment. She is showing you that she has no integrity. If you choose to pursue this woman anyway, you can’t be mad when it doesn’t work out or you end up getting played. When you sign on to deceive another, play games and sneak around you are, in essence, telling her that you have no expectation of truth, dignity or monogamy.


Women who live by this mantra are, again, giving you a full, free preview of what they think of men and how they will treat you one you’re on board. Speaking as a woman, most of the females that I know who live by such mantras are usually using them to get a man to kowtow and jump through hoops like a monkey at a side show in order to manipulate him into doing things for her.

You’re either apologizing for everything her last boyfriend did, acting as a band-aid for other mens wounds. They tell you repeatedly how a “man can’t do anything for them yet you’re paying for every (or any) date, buying her gifts, buying the drinks and maybe pay a few bills here and there.

You’re being used…with your permission of course and when it ends (and it will) you’re left broke, busted and depressed. Your best bet is to run when you hear a woman utter the above mantras. All you’re doing by staying is volunteering to be emotionally and verbally abused.


This woman seems great at the start because she’s very nice, accommodating and treats men well. But her inner insecurities don’t take long to surface. Pretty soon she’s calling you 10 times a day, asking to see “where the relationship is going,” or because she “just wants to hear your voice.” She needs constant reassurance that she’s attractive, and worries incessantly about her makeup, hair and the alignment of her clothes. She’s clingy, needy and compulsively agonizes that you’re going to leave her at any moment for “someone better.” This kind of thing can get really creepy really fast.


She says –
‘I am educated’
‘I do not cook, wash or clean – because I believe in equal rights’ ?
‘I am independent’
‘I do not need a man to fulfill me’
‘I will never be bare foot and pregnant’
‘I am gainfully employed and valued by my male colleagues’
‘Women are intimidated by me’ Blah blah blah.
What she doesn’t say is -
‘I am medicated’
You get what you ask for. Ambition has nothing to do with companionship – so get a grip. You did what you wanted to do and you should be glad (without having to say so).


This is a woman who was spoiled by her dad. This woman grew up having little or no responsibilities because everything that should have been her responsibility was taken care of by her dad. Responsible adults should make up their beds, do their own laundry, and clean their own room.

If you date a woman like this she will probably expect you to take on some of her responsibilities.


A conceited woman is an extremely confident woman who believes that she is better than everyone else. Some women are conceited because they are wealthy while other women are conceited because they are beautiful.

If you date a conceited woman she will never treat you as an equal, in her eyes she will always be better than you.

Different people make the world go round. When you are seeking a long term relationship with someone you should find someone who will appreciate you for the person you are. You should try to avoid someone who will speak to you in a condescending way, or someone who will try to impose their will upon you. It’s all about respect, you have to give respect in order to earn it.

shouts to Shy Magazine

GO SKINS!!!!!!!!!

If you know me you know that I could give two fucks about my hometown Washington Redskins right about now. I went out brought a fuggin McNabb Jersey DAY ONE.. and then Shanny and son cut that nicca like he was Amil in Roc-a-Fella. I admit Burgundy and Gold is in me veins but im worried.. UNTIL.. I saw this.

GO SKINS!!!!!!!!

Just Cause

I ran across this one while on This chick named "Indonesia". Check her out.

I fuggin LOVE my city mane.. yall just dunno..


New Music Video - The Cool Kids


Matt's Pic Of The Day - Jordin Sparks

I tried to 'told' yall'...I really did. LOL.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Remember me ?

It's official the Air Jordan 12 is ready for a April 2012 release. Keep your third eye open these are gonna fly outta stores.

Maliah Michel Gets Her Pam Grier On..

My fave and who yall will see on this site very often and (for no reason I might add) Maliah Michel had a lil photography shoot with another banger Rita G (Kanye West "Flashing Lights") and got her Pam Grier on 70's style. Check out some of the pics.

Someone need to go ahead and drop the remake, i'm down to see it.

Who Ya Wit??

Model/Reality Stars Cat Washington (Bad Girls Club), Shay Johnson (VH1 Flavor of Love/Charm School) & Junk (VH1's Real & Chance) all got together in Atlanta for a nice lil photoshoot.

All I got to say is..WHO YA WIT?

I know who I would pic..

*shouts to*

HawthoRNe gets the AXE

Yep. It's true *Kurt Angle voice* TNT show starred and directed by Jada Pinkett Smitt was cancelled this week. This came to as a shocker to many who loved this every show. I also got into the show as Marc Anthony started boning Jada on the show. The show had a helluva ending that will leave many viewers wondering who killed Marc Anthony's character. More should be coming soon as this show was too popular to get cancelled. Either TNT smartens up or another netwoek picks this up. If Scrubs can get picked up, why can't this one.

Welp.. back to Heavy Metal for Jada.

New Joints Phonte & 9th Wonder

I'm not gonna lie, i'm excited about the month of September for many reasons a couple of the reasons happen to be new releases from one of my favorite rappers Phonte (from Little Brother/Foriegn Exchange) and one of my fave producers 9th Wonder (also formally from Little Brother). We all know about these two having a falling out blah blah but they are connecting back up together for there respective projects. I gotta say real niccas do real things. Shouts to em. They both for new releases. Check em out.

New Phonte w/ Elzhi (9th Wonder production) "Not Here Anymore"

New 9th Wonder w/ Phonte & Median "Band Practice"

Can't wait until these albums dropped. Also waiting on that Big K.R.I.T. as well.

NBA 2K12

Just when you think this game cant get better.. IT DOES

You see Melo with the move.. GO KNICKS!!!

Coming Soon 10/4/2011

Movado Signs with We The Best

International Star Movado has signed with LLLL.. LISSENNNN.. We The Best Music Group. Shouts to the hommie. I'm a big fan of his music.. shouts to @frassking11 for that intro, he burned the hommie plenty of mix CDs and always keep me fresh with it. I was just playing the joint with him and Hov the other day riding down I-285. Anyhoo, be on the lookout for new music from him soon. If Khaled pumps his music like he does Ace Hood, we all should be seeing alot of Movado (@the_movado)

Friday, September 2, 2011

TYPING in Tounges

Ok, I won’t use as a site where I get all ‘religiousy’ on you all but this…this is just off. While praying via Facebook, Juanita Bynum apparently started to type in tongues. There was always something about this woman that threw me off. I don’t want naaan parts of this. THIS is “not the way.”



Always Sunny

Sept. 15th cannot come quick enough.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Music - Nappy Roots

Matt's Pic Of The Day

Yesterday I said that this was damn near I now say this may be a tad bit closer.

Zoe Zaldana on Chelsea

I'm not normally attracted to skinny chicks but Zoe...yea...YEA
